Sunday 14 August 2016

A shortish review of No Man's Sky

I've been playing No Man's Sky since it came out (August 10th in the EU) almost non-stop.
I dunno if that gives a good impression right off the bat but I'll into more detail anyway.

I like to describe No Man's Sky as Minecraft, but with an extra 4th dimension. In No Man's Sky, you explore a procedurally-generated universe with randomly created planets, creatures and plant life. You can harvest, mine and buy resources to create new technology so you can explore even more of the universe. It doesn't really have that much of a story, other than a main questline involving something called the Atlas, some kind of entity (idk).

A lot of people say that it isn't great for a number of reasons. It lacks depth, the NPCs are static, the graphics are meh, the planets are basically all the same, the mining is rather monotonous and the crafting is tedious. And let's not forget the many bugs and glitches, but lets be fair, every game on launch has a couple of bugs and glitches. And they'll most likely get patched up in some updates, along with some other content they may add in.

I personally enjoy the game. I want to know what is at the centre of the universe and what the deal with the Atlas entity is. I enjoy scouring a planet looking for a chance at getting some decent blueprints or resources. There are so many little goals to strive for.

Ok I managed to keep that rather short, so that's good.

I tried to make this review as impartial as possible. All I'm saying is, No Man's Sky has it's issues, but I enjoy it.

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